姓 名:王 磊 性 别: 男 出生年月:1983-11-26
学 位:博 士 职 称: 副教授
联系电话:0376-6391380; E_mail:wangleibio@gmail.com
● 2002/09-2006/07,云顶4008登录,本科
● 2006/09-2009/06 云顶4008登录,硕士 (导师:袁红雨 教授 & 刘彦明 教授)
● 2011/09-2014/06 复旦大学云顶4008登录,博士(导师:马 红 教授)
● 2009/09- 2011/06 复旦大学植物科学研究所, 科研助理
● 2014/07- 2016/12 云顶4008登录, 讲师
● 2016/12- 2019/12 中科院生物物理研究所, 博士后 (合作导师:薛愿超 研究员)
● 2021/01-至今 云顶4008登录 副教授
● 动植物基因家族的功能性进化研究
● 利用生物信息学手段并结合多组学测序技术,深入开展RNA结合蛋白和非编码RNA在人类疾病中的功能研究
● 利用先进基因编辑技术CRISPR-Cas9和单细胞测序技术开展肿瘤异质性和耐药性研究
● 利用转录组学解析大豆亲本和子代减数分裂细胞的差异(162300410257),河南省科技厅项目2016.1-2019.12,8万元,主持
● Pri-miRNA加工机器的筛选及功能机制研究(31701109),国家自然科学基金青年项目,26万元,主持
● 2016 云顶4008登录青年骨干教师
● 2017 云顶4008登录优秀教师
● 2018 云顶4008登录优秀硕士研究生指导教师
● 2018 河南省优秀硕士研究生指导教师
● 2019 云顶4008登录首届研究生十佳导师
◆发表文章(*Corresponding author, #Equal contributors)
1) Su R, Fan LH, Cao C, Wang L, Du Z, Cai Z, Ouyang YC, Wang Y, Zhou Q, Wu L, Zhang N, Zhu X, Lei WL, Zhao H, Tian Y, He S, Wong CCL, Sun QY, Xue Y. Global profiling of RNA-binding protein target sites by LACE-seq. Nature Cell Biology. 2021, 23(6):664-675. (SCI IF: 20.0)
2) Zhaokui Cai#, Changchang Cao#, Lei Ji#, Rong Ye, Di Wang, Cong Xia, Sui Wang, Zongchang Du, Naijing Hu, Xiaohua Yu, Juan Chen, Lei Wang, Xianguang Yang, Shunmin He & Yuanchao Xue*. (2020). Ric-seq for global in situ profiling of rna–rna spatial interactions. Nature, 1-6.(SCI IF: 43.0)
3) Lian, Shuaibin#*, Li, Liansheng#, Zhou, Yongjie, Liu, Zixiao, and Wang, Lei* (2019). The co-expression networks of differentially expressed RBPs with TFs and LncRNAs related to clinical TNM stages of cancers. PeerJ 7, e7696. .( SCI IF: 1.8)
4) Zhang, Pengpeng, Chao, Zhe, Zhang, Rui, Ding, Ruoqi, Wang, Yaling, Wu, Wei, Han, Qiu, Li, Cencen, Xu, Haixia, Wang, Lei* and Yongjie Xu* (2019). Circular RNA Regulation of Myogenesis. Cells 8, 885.( SCI IF: 5.7)
5) Wang, Lei#, Shi, Yan#, Chang, Xiaojun#, Jing, Shengli, Zhang, Qunjie, You, Chenjiang, Yuan, Hongyu*, and Wang, Haifeng* (2019). DNA methylome analysis provides evidence that the expansion of the tea genome is linked to TE bursts. Plant biotechnology journal 17, 826-835(SCI IF: 6.5)
6) Chen, Juan#, Cai, Zhaokui#, Bai, Meizhu#, Yu, Xiaohua#, Zhang, Chao#, Cao, Changchang, Hu, Xihao, Wang, Lei, Su, Ruibao, and Wang, Di (2018). The RNA-binding protein ROD1/PTBP3 cotranscriptionally defines AID-loading sites to mediate antibody class switch in mammalian genomes. Cell research 28, 981. (SCI IF: 17.848)
7) Zhang, Zaibao#, Ke, Danxia#, Hu, Menghui, Zhang, Chi, Deng, Lijun, Li, Yuting, Li, Jiuli, Zhao, Hai, Cheng, Lin, and Wang, Lei* and Hongyu Yuan* (2019). Quantitative phosphoproteomic analyses provide evidence for extensive phosphorylation of regulatory proteins in the rhizobia–legume symbiosis. Plant molecular biology 100, 265-283.( SCI IF: 2.9)
8) Han, Yapeng, Li, Xiangyong, Cheng, Lin, Liu, Yanchun, Wang, Hui, Ke, Danxia, Yuan, Hongyu, Zhang, Liangsheng, and Wang, Lei* (2016). Genome-wide analysis of soybean JmjC domain-containing proteins suggests evolutionary conservation following whole-genome duplication. Frontiers in plant science 7, 1800. ( SCI IF: 4.4)
9) Ke, Danxia*, Li, Xiangyong, Han, Yapeng, Cheng, Lin, Yuan, Hongyu, and Wang, Lei* (2016). ROP6 is involved in root hair deformation induced by Nod factors in Lotus japonicus. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 108, 488-498. ( SCI IF: 2.7)
10) Xiaolong Fang#, Lei Wang#, Xiaojuan Deng, Peng Wang, Qibin Ma, Hai Nian, Yingxiang Wang*, Cunyi Yang*. Genome-wide characterization of soybean P1B-ATPases gene family provides functional implications in cadmium responses.BMC Genomics,2016, 17, 376. (SCI IF: 3.8)
11) Cheng Lin, Hong-Yu Yuan, Ren Ren, Shi-Qi Zhao, Ya-peng Han, Qi-Ying Zhou, Dan-Xia Ke, Ying-xiang Wang*, Wang Lei*. Genome-wide identification, classification and expression analysis of amino acid transporter gene family in Glycine max. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 00515. (SCI IF: 4.4)
12) Hongxing Yang†, Fang Chang*,†, Chenjiang You, Jie Cui, Genfeng Zhu, Lei Wang, Yu Zheng, Ji Qi*, Hong Ma*. Whole-genome DNA methylation patterns and complex associations with gene structure and expression during flower development in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal, 2015,81: 268–281. (SCI IF: 6.5)
13) Liangsheng Zhang, Lei Wang, Yulin Yang, Jie Cui, Fang Chang, Yingxiang Wang3*, Hong Ma*. Analysis of Arabidopsis floral transcriptome: detection of new florally expressed genes and expansion of Brassicaceae-specific gene families. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 5:00802. (SCI IF: 4.4)
14) Lei Wang†, Chenlong Cao†, Qibin Ma, Qiaoying Zeng, Haifeng Wang, Zhihao Cheng, Genfeng Zhu, Ji Qi, Hong Ma, Hai Nian*, Yingxiang Wang*. RNA-seq analyses of multiple meristems of soybean: novel and alternative transcripts, evolutionary and functional implications. BMC Plant Biology, 2014, 14:169. (SCI IF: 4.7)
15) Haifeng Wang1,2†, Chenjiang You†, Fang Chang, Yingxiang Wang, Lei Wang, Ji Qi*, Hong Ma*. Alternative splicing during Arabidopsis flower development results in constitutive and stage-regulated isoforms. Frontiers in Genetics, 2014, 5:00025. (SCI IF: 3.5)
16) Hongxing Yang, Yan Zhou, Jianlei Gu, Shuying Xie, Yao Xu, Genfeng Zhu, Lei Wang, Jiyue Huang, Hong Ma*, Jihua Yao*. Deep mRNA Sequencing Analysis to Capture the Transcriptome Landscape of Zebrafish Embryos and Larvae. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(5), e64058. (SCI IF: 3.0)
17) Huimin Yang, Suxia Xie, Lei Wang, Shengli Jing, Xiaopei Zhu, Xianwen Li, Wei Zeng, Hongyu Yuan*, Identification of up-regulated genes in tea leaves under mild infestation of green leafhopper, Scientia Horticulturae, 2011, 130(2): 476-481. (SCI IF: 1.5)
18) Lei Wang, Xianwen Li, Qin Zhao, Shengli Jing, Shifeng Chen, Hongyu Yuan*. Identification of Genes Induced in Response to Low-Temperature Treatment in Tea Leaves. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 2009, 27(3): 257-265. (SCI IF: 2.3)
◆ 参加会议
1)第十七届全国植物基因组学大会(Plant Genomic in China),2016年8月19-22日,中国 福州
2)2016全国植物生物学大会(National Congress of Plant Biology), 2016年10月9日-12日,中国 武汉
3)2016世界生命科学大会 (WORLD LIFE SCIENCE CONFERENCE,WLSC2016),2016年11月1日-3日,中国 北京
4)颠覆性技术国际研讨会(International workshop on Disruptive Technologies—Disruptive Technologies in Biology and Crossing Fields),2016年11月23日-25日,中国 北京
5)河南省遗传学会2018年学术年会大会报告,河南 驻马店
6)2019 Keystone Symposia in Daejeon (Small Regulatory RNAs) 大会报告,韩国 大田