教授,理学博士,硕士生导师,教育部/河南省硕士学位论文评审专家,河南省普通高等学校食品科学与工程类本科专业教学指导委员会委员,河南省高等学校省级精品在线开放课程网络评审专家,信阳市青年科技专家,BMC Geriatrics, Digital health, Information Development,Social Behavior and Personality和食品工业科技等SSCI/SCI/EI收录期刊审稿专家。主持完成省级项目5项,参与完成国家级与省部级项目10余项,出版著作3部。第一作者和通讯作者在Digital Health, Education and Information Technologies, Frontiers in Psychology, Food Science and Nutrition,Journal of Mens Health,Social Behavior and Personality,及食品科学、农业工程学报、食品与发酵工业、食品工业科技等期刊发表学术论文70余篇,获省厅级科技进步奖、优秀论文奖、教育信息化优秀成果奖、师德征文奖等奖励20余项。多次荣获信阳师范大学“优秀教师”“优秀硕士学位论文指导教师”“优秀实习指导教师”等荣誉称号。
2008.09-2012.07 贵州大学 动物学专业 博士
2003.09-2006.07 贵州大学 发酵工程专业 硕士
1999.09-2003.07 河南科技学院 食品科学与工程专业 学士
2023.12 至今 信阳师范大学 云顶4008登录 教授
2013.11-2023.12 云顶4008登录 云顶4008登录 副教授
2009.11-2013.10 云顶4008登录 云顶4008登录 讲师
2006.07-2009.10 云顶4008登录 云顶4008登录 助教
1. Jie Chen, Hua Tian*. Associations between health anxiety, eHealth literacy and self-reported health: A cross-sectional study. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. 2024. (SSCI/SCI)
2. Hua Tian*, Ruiping Dang, Jie Chen. Associations between health promotion behaviors andmultidimensional health among Chinese Middle-school Students - A study focusing on gender differences. Journal of Mens Health. 2024. (SSCI/SCI)
3. Jie Chen, Hua Tian*. Social support and negative emotions of Chinese people aged 65 plus:Comparison of the widowed to those with a spouse. Social Behavior and Personality: An international journal. 2024. (SSCI/SCI)
4. Jie Chen, Hua Tian*. Associations and Gender Differences between OHI-seeking Behaviorsand eHealth Literacy among Chinese University Students. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP. 2024. (SSCI/SCI)
5. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen.The relationship between the eHealth literacy and computer skills ofuniversity students. Education and Information Technologies. 2023. (SSCI, 中科院二区Top)
6. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Associations Among Online Health Information Seeking Behaviors,Electronic Health Literacy and Food Neophobia: A Cross-Sectional Study. INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing.2023. (SSCI/SCI)
7. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Impact of Home-based Care and Institutionbased Care on Older Adults’Health in China: A Comparative Analysis. American Journal of Health Behavior. 2023. (SSCI/SCI)
8. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. A bibliometric analysis on global eHealth. Digital Health.2022. (SSCI/SCI)
9. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Comparing the impact of social support on the life satisfaction of widowed and non-widowed elders. Frontiers in Psychology. 2022. (SSCI)
10. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen.The association and intervention effect between eHealth literacy and Lifestyle behaviors among Chinese university students. Revista da Escola de Enfermagem da USP.2022. (SSCI/SCI)
11. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Health of Widowed Elderly and Related Factors in China. Journal of Mens Health. 2022. (SSCI/SCI)
12. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Study on Life Satisfaction of the Elderly Based on Healthy Aging. Journal of Healthcare Engineering.2022. (SCI)
13. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Impact of Lifestyle and Diets Behaviors on Elderly Health: Questionnaire Based Cross-Sectional Study. Progress in Nutrition. 2022. (SCI)
14. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Global scientific research on elderly malnutrition: A bibliometric analysis. Progress in Nutrition. 2022. (SCI)
15. Hua Tian*, Jie Chen. Food neophobia and intervention of university students in China. Food Science and Nutrition. 2021. (SCI)
16. 田 华*, 陈杰. 基于 Web of Science 文献计量学分析的全球老年食品研究进展. 农业工程学报, 2021. (EI)
田华(独著). 普通高等教育“十三五”规划教材《发酵工程工艺原理》,化学工业出版社,ISBN 978-7-122-33355-1,2019
田华(独著).《食用昆虫豆天蛾资源开发利用及产业化》,中国农业出版社,ISBN 978-7-109-24692-8,2018
2023 老年人智能手机使用与负面情绪关系研究,四川省社科规划项目,主持
2022 新时代中小学思政课教师专业发展生态研究,河南省教师教育课程改革与研究项目,参与(第二)
2021 黄原胶/溶菌酶颗粒构建pH稳定化Pickering乳液及其界面组装机理,国家自科基金项目,参与(第二)
2020 大数据时代师范生数据素养养成机制研究,河南省教师教育课程改革与研究重点项目,主持
2018 新时代农村家庭养老支持政策研究,全国老龄办政策理论研究部级项目,参与(第三)
2017 产业化高密度混合营养培养螺旋藻SCP,河南省科技厅科技攻关项目,主持
2016 互联网+时代下高校生物专业师范生教育教学能力训练研究,河南省教师教育课程改革与研究重点项目,主持
2016 螺旋藻高密度混合营养培养中活性氧的产生机理及消除对策,河南省教育厅自然科学研究项目,主持
2020 年获河南省教育厅科技成果优秀科技论文二等奖
办公室:生物楼417 E-mail: tianhua@xynu.edu.cn